To see the summaries of the CCDE files that have been uploaded for your program's current and past submissions, go to the Submit CCDEs section and click the View link on the submenu.
The View page features a table in which each row represents one upload. The meaning of the information in the columns is as follows. A "--" in any cell means that it does not apply to that upload.
Date: The date and time at which the files were uploaded. Click this link to view the Submission Detail for this upload.
Contact: The name of the person who uploaded the files, and who should be contacted if there are any problems with them.
Submission: The due date of the submission, as indicated on the Submit CCDEs page.
Start Date and End Date: The period covered by the information in the uploaded files, as entered at the time of upload.
CCDE Version: The version of the CCDE file format to which the files conform, as indicated on the Submit CCDEs page.
# of Records: The number of records included in the CCDE file, as entered at the time of upload.
# of Files: The number of files that were uploaded.
Click the Date column of the table on the View page to see the Submission Detail for the files described in the row. The Submission Detail expands on the information provided on the View page.
Date: The date and time at which the files were uploaded.
Program Name: The name of the program for which the files were submitted and to which their data pertains.
Contact: The name of the person who uploaded the files, and who should be contacted if there are any problems with them.
Email Address: The email address of the person who uploaded the files, and who should be contacted if there are any problems with them.
Phone Number: The telephone number of the person who uploaded the files, and who should be contacted if there are any problems with them.
Submission Due Date: The due date of the submission to which the files belong.
CCDE File Submitted: If a CCDE file was included in the upload, the following information will be displayed:
Filename: The filename of the CCDE file that was uploaded.
Covering Data: The period of time covered by the information in the uploaded files, as entered at the time of upload.
CCDE Version: The version of the CCDE file format ti which the file conforms, as indicated on the Submit page.
Number of Records: The number of records included in the CCDE file, as entered at the time of upload.
Narrative File Submitted: The filename of the narrative file uploaded, if any.
Additional File(s) Submitted: The filenames of and comments on any additional files that were uploaded.
Additional Comments: Comments entered during the submission, if any.
To print the information in the Submission Detail, click Print This Page. Your browser's printing dialog will be displayed. Use it to edit the printing settings as desired to print the page.